SCA Record Restore Dust Brush"Eliminate Static Forever"
SCA Record Restore Dust Brush"Eliminate Static Forever"
The SCA Record Dust Brush is not a record cleaner. Indeed, it might be asked why, if having cleaned a record with Record Restore, there is even a need for a dust brush? Random dust is a fact of life - the air is full of it - and can find its way onto your records any number of ways. The Dust Brush is how random dust is quickly and effectively removed. If the pandemic taught us anything is was that to blow is to spit, so never blow dust off your record!
Our dust brush is a natural bristle brush, which means its bristles are not smooth, making them really very good at efficiently trapping small surface dust particles. For this reason it is superior to 'carbon fibre cleaners' made of smooth artificial filaments (and which are de rigeur on records not cleaned with Restore).
But wait! Wouldn't natural bristles rubbing against PVC cause static? Yes, they would, except if the record has been cleaned with Record Restore. Any record cleaned with Record Restore cannot be electrostatically charged.
Proof? Watch 'Eliminate Static Forever'.
Simply point the bristles against the direction of spin on a moving record. Dust is trapped within the dense bristle mass.