For us, analogue sound starts with a vinyl record. It demands analogue
amplification via the magic of the vacuum tube and is voiced by single driver, full range, high sensitivity loudspeakers.
Secret Chord Analogue (SCA) is the culmination of years of enjoyment of analogue music technology. For Stephen Price, SCA’s founder, it started with his father, Roger, whose love of music saw him build his own tube amplifier before consumer technology had become a thing.
From Stephen’s earliest memories, there was a turntable and there were vinyl records. While at university, Stephen built his own first amplifier and loudspeakers from designs in a magazine, Electronics Today International. Serendipitously, this is the same magazine where the designer of today’s Red Roo amplifiers used to work all those years ago.
In the years before 2012 (the year of the first Amp Camp), Stephen was building various tube amp designs. Impressed by the quality of the sound and delighting in the satisfaction of ‘rolling his own’, the idea of a supervised workshop was born. It wasn’t long before Amp Camp attracted the attention of Elekit of Japan. Many kits and camps later that idea became a proven experience, attracting vinyl enthusiasts from around the country.