TU-8900 Tube Set options
TU-8900 Tube Set options
This latest amp kit offering from Elekit is supplied without tubes, a departure from previous provisioning practice. Should you not have your own tubes to hand, Secret Chord Analogue has put together two tube set mixes (for each of the 300B and 2A3 tube types) for you to add to your kit.
Each choice set features matched and balanced pre-amp tubes to ensure that the pre-amp tubes you will insert in your amp have equal gain.
Tubes are manufactured to be within certain tolerance ranges according to a specification but like all electrical devices there are variances from tube to tube and section to section. With our matched tubes, the two triode sections inside every pre-amp tube will be identical to each other and also, each triode section will also match every other triode section in other tubes of the same type. You are guaranteed that every triode section of every tube will match the spec for its type.
The Elekit TU-8900 supports two types of triode tube, automatically adjusting for whichever is installed.
This is the value pack tube set of 300B tubes and 12AU7 tubes for the Elekit TU-8900 DIY Kit Tube Amp. These vacuum tubes are often recommended by the amplifier manufacturers themselves as upgrades to the original equipment tubes.
- Electro-Harmonix 300B Gold Grid Power Vacuum Tube (Matched)
- Electro-Harmonix 12AU7A / ECC82EH Preamp Vacuum Tube
Each choice set features matched and balanced tubes to ensure that the tubes you will insert in your amp have equal gain.
Tubes are manufactured to be within certain tolerance ranges according to a specification but like all electrical devices there are variances from tube to tube and section to section. With our matched tubes, the two triode sections inside every pre-amp tube will be identical to each other and also, each triode section will also match every other triode section in other tubes of the same type. You are guaranteed that every triode section of every tube will match the spec for its type.
The Elekit TU-8900 supports two types of triode tube, the 300B and 2A3, automatically adjusting for whichever is installed.